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You may know Minersville Lake as a fantastic fishing destination and trophy lake, but did you know they also rent out nonmotorized water sport items? Including paddle board, kayaks and life jackets. If you love the outdoors or even if you don’t, take time to stop at the Minersville Lake Park for some great fun. This lake is located 12 miles west of Beaver on S.R. 21. This quaint lake offers both a swim dock and a boat launching dock. There are restrooms with showers and an awesome campground. Perhaps paddle boarding is not your thing, fear not, there is a recent new edition of a trim trail. Walk on the 1/2 – 1 mile loop and find stations along the way that cater to kids and adults alike. This trail will add a little something new to your walk while giving kids the chance to run, play and climb.

For more information visit Beaver County Parks.

Ramble Responsibly Ramble Responsibly

Leave no trace and be safe on the water.