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Minimize Fire Impacts

It’s hard to find someone who doesn’t love campfires—the smell, the feeling of gathering with friends and family, marshmallows, laughter…

But, with current drought conditions, campfires are not only wonderful, but they can also be dangerous. 

If there aren’t restrictions in place, we want to encourage you to enjoy a campfire as long as you follow Leave No Trace principle #5—minimize campfire impacts. 

Minimize campfire impacts is a pretty broad statement, so what does it mean exactly?

Fortunately, Leave No Trace has published a super helpful article outlining how to have fires safely to reduce the risk of impact. 

Principle 5: Minimize Campfire Impacts.

Before you head out this summer and plan to have a campfire, please read the following article and do your part to prevent wildfires. 

Fires vs. Stoves: The use of campfires, once a necessity for cooking and warmth, is steeped in history and tradition. Some people would not think of camping without a campfire. Yet, the natural appearance of many areas has been degraded by the overuse of fires and an increasing demand for firewood. The development of lightweight efficient camp stoves has encouraged a shift away from the traditional fire for cooking. Stoves have become essential equipment for minimum-impact camping. They are fast, flexible and eliminate firewood availability as a concern in campsite selection. Stoves operate in almost any weather condition—and they Leave No Trace.

Read more.



© 1999 by the Leave No Trace Center for Outdoor Ethics:

In Partnership with Leave No Trace and the Colorado Office of TourismCare for Colorado program.

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