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Running the Timeless Beaver Canyon Marathon

The Beaver Canyon Marathon, Half Marathon, and 10K take place on August 5, 2023. I couldn’t be more excited. Like last year, the marathon kicks off at an awe-inspiring 10,000 feet in the irresistible Tushar Mountains. After crushing a few quick uphills, the remainder of the course heads primarily downhill. You would think running downhill is less physically demanding, but that’s not the case, and our breed loves every second. It amplifies the challenge as this majestic mountain asks more of us, which we are more than willing to provide.

Starting the race predawn and then experiencing the purity of a vitalizing sunrise lighting up soothing lakes and seemingly endless forest is like being part of a golden secret. I’ve stomped stunning roads all over, but nothing touches the radiance and solitude of racing through this stretch of the Tushars.

There’s something primal about flowing through a landscape this untouched. It’s as if linear time stops and morphs into the timeless. During 2022’s race, I remember feeling a heightened connection to an ancient era where running was more than a hobby or a choice — it was a means of survival. This powerful sensation against such a spellbinding backdrop set the stage for an unbelievable endorphin rush.

I could go on and on about how the Beaver Canyon Marathon is not to be missed, but you need to experience it firsthand. This August, treat yourself to a race unlike any other and a setting that speaks to the deepest parts of each of us. You’re sure to come away with an elevated outlook on all the wonder and tranquility that western Utah has to offer.
