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Do You Have Fire Sense?

Fire sense is common sense. The trick is just using it. You already know heat or sparks plus dry grass equals a whole lot of trouble, so the next time you’re camping or shooting or otherwise enjoying the great outdoors in this great state of ours, use your brain before things get too hot to handle.


Exercise your fire sense to prevent roughly 70% of Utah wildfires.



Following the steps above could help prevent 24% of Utah’s human-caused wildfires.


Keeping fires you started under control and properly doused could prevent 28% of Utah’s human-caused wildfires.



Safe shooting behavior like the tips above would prevent almost 4% of Utah’s human-caused wildfires.



Being smart with your fireworks this year could prevent 6% of Utah’s human-caused wildfires.

Ramble Responsibly Ramble Responsibly

Be smart with fire in Beaver County